Steam billowed out from under the bonnet. 引擎盖下喷出滚滚的蒸汽。
"Not so fast, not so fast," said the young tailor," I'll soon take the steam out of you." 慢慢来!”小裁缝说,“我一会儿就会叫你安静下来的!”
That could take some of the steam out of China's nascent recovery, and with it a return in healthy demand for oil. 这可能削弱中国刚刚开始的经济复苏的一部分动力,同时阻碍原油需求回归正常水平。
If engineers are unable to cool a damaged fuel core, enriched uranium can melt into a pool of radioactive lava. The meltdown can burn its way out of the containment vessel or send radioactive steam out through cracks in the system. 如果工程师们无法成功冷却受损燃料核心,浓缩铀会像一滩具有放射性的熔岩,烧穿安全壳,或者让具有放射性的水蒸气从系统裂缝流入外界。
And because, as you know, the traditional media is still heavily controlled by the government, social media offers an opening to let the steam out a little bit. 因为传统媒体还在政府的强力控制之下,社交媒体提供了一个开放的平台进行了一些(民众观点的)分流。
It looks like it has been built with actual lego bricks and there is a dragon at the front of the hotel which blows steam out of its nose. 用lego积木搭建的房子,还有一只龙在宾馆前面的,好像鼻子在吹气。
The government said it would increase land supply, tighten mortgage lending rules and increase transaction costs in an effort to take the steam out of speculative activity. 澳门政府表示将增加土地供应、收紧按揭贷款要求并提高交易成本,以此遏制投资活动。
There steam coming out of the can. 这样水蒸汽就从罐子里冒出来了。
After leaving the blades, the steam passes out to the atmosphere. 离开叶片后,蒸汽便排放到大气中。
And we have our steam generator as you know and the feed from the turbine goes in and the steam comes out. 我们有蒸汽发生器,如你们所知,在涡轮里产生,进入,然后,蒸汽就出来了。
I think of steam coming out of the sidewalk. 就想到水汽冒出行人路。
A sharp tightening of monetary policy is normally seen as being bad news for equity investors as it takes the steam out of stocks. 对于股票投资者而言,由于货币政策骤然收紧会打击股市行情,因此通常被视为坏消息。
The train will steam out within five minutes. 火车再过五分钟开动。
Hopefully the new measures will take the steam out of the refugee crisis. 希望新的措施能缓解难民的危机。
You can sniff the steam coming out of the hole if you wish. Then, take a second spoon, dip it into the ginger-and-vinegar sauce served with the dumplings and carefully pour a bit into the hole. 之后,如果你想,你可以嗅到蒸汽,然后,用第二个汤匙,舀上生姜和醋汁送到饺子洞里。
Now fighting for a second term, Mr Singh and Congress are under considerable pressure, as the global crisis takes the steam out of India's economy, the vibrancy of which bolstered his own reputation. 如今辛格和国大党正努力争取连任,因此面临相当大的压力。全球经济危机已削弱了印度经济的增长动力,而印度经济的活力正是辛格声望的支柱。
In winter, during sake brewing season, a cloud of steam comes out from red brick chimneys of the breweries and the scent of sake wafts in the air. 寒冷的冬季正值酿酒的季节,一缕缕蒸汽从红砖烟囱徐徐飘出,空气中飘散着一股淡淡的清酒香味。
The principles and the functions of the traditional chemical cleaning, steam blowing out, silicon cleaning and flushing with bypass in the new units are introduced. 介绍了传统的新建机组的化学清洗、吹管、洗硅及带旁路清洗等的工艺原理和作用及这些工艺的不足之处和改进方向。
When steam comes out, add more cold water and when it boils again add cold water a second time. 水蒸气冒出时,要加些冷水;水开时,再加第2次冷水。
One scenario is that the US and Europe weaken sharply, in which case with Japan less than robust to begin with the emerging markets would start to slow, letting the steam out of commodity prices. 一种情形是,美欧经济大幅走弱,而日本经济本来就不那么强劲,在这种情况下,新兴市场经济开始放缓,使大宗商品价格增长降温。
Falling commodity prices haven take steam out of food and energy inflation, while a rising jobless rate has produced slack in the labor market. 大宗商品价格的下跌使食品和能源失去了上涨动能,而失业率的上升也造就了一个不景气的就业市场。
In April the government sought to take some of the steam out of the rupee by allowing Indian firms to make bigger overseas acquisitions. 4月,印度政府试图利用其卢布的动力,允许印度企业大量举债国外。
Indeed, the BRICs are expected to increase interest rates in 2010, which will check economic growth and could take the steam out of their markets. 实际上,金砖四国预计会在2010年加息,这将阻碍经济增长,可能令本国市场失去动力。
The currency also remains helpful in taking the steam out of the swollen trade surplus, which has been a political problem in relations with big trading partners. 人民币升值还有助于抑制膨胀的贸易顺差,而对于中国与其它大型贸易伙伴的关系来说,这也一直是一个政治问题。
Steam coming out of a boiling kettle 水烧开后从壶里冒出来的水汽
While the valve plates of the water stop structure droop and open with the gravity, thereby, the steam comes out through the gaps between the valve plates to cool the hot water quickly. 止水结构的阀片由于重力的作用下垂打开。开水的热气通过阀片的间隙排出,使开水尽快晾凉。
The share price decline and more modest trading are a further indication that the authorities have managed to take the steam out of a stock market without causing a dramatic correction. 股价下跌和交易量下降进一步表明,政府已在不引发股市大幅调整的情况下,成功为股市降温。
Quick approvals of IPOs is one of the instruments available to Chinese regulators to take steam out of the market. 快速批准新股发行,是中国监管机构可用来给市场降温的工具之一。
The International Energy Agency revealed the output rise on Tuesday, saying there was a tacit recognition by Saudi Arabia and others of a need to adjust actual production levels to try to take some of the steam out of the market. 国际能源机构(IEA)周二披露了原油产量的提升。该机构表示,沙特及其他国家默认有必要调整实际产量水平,以降低市场热度。
In the power plant, utilize the steam draining out from the steam turbine to supply hot user with heat, heat lose in the vapor congealing device can be reduced effectively, make the thermal efficiency of the power plant improved. 在发电厂中,利用汽轮机中作过功的蒸汽向热用户供应热量,可以有效地降低凝汽器中的冷源损失,使发电厂的热效率得到提高。